07 Feb The population growth rate in the Greater Toronto Area is unbelievable
The population growth rate in the Greater Toronto Area is unbelievable
According to the Ontario Population Plan 2018-2046 and in accordance with the current population growth rate in most regions, Greater Toronto Area would be Ontario’s fastest-growing region with its population increasing from 6.8 million in 2018 to more than 10.2 million by 2046. With population growth, most regions inevitably face population ageing. The report states that the number of elderly people in the suburbs of Toronto is expected to increase by 132% in 2046 due to the massive ageing of baby boomers. The GTA’s share of the provincial population is projected to rise to 51.8% in 2046 from 47.8% in 2018. The report also showed that a large part of the population growth in most regions is due to immigration. Immigrants will account for 82% of the province’s growth.
#GTA, #Ontario, #Toronto, #immigration_levels
Advantages of studying in Saskatchewan
The major universities in Saskatchewan include the University of Saskatchewan and the University of Regina. The University of Saskatchewan is located in Saskatoon. Both universities are ranked among the top twenty in Canada. Saskatchewan universities offer a wide range of professional academic courses. The schools change some curriculum content every two or three years in order to follow the trend of world technology and technology development. Another advantage of study in Saskatchewan is that the tuition is relatively cheap compared to other well-known universities such as the University of Toronto. In recent years, with the boom of immigration in Canada, immigration opportunities in Saskatchewan have also received more attention. Generally, international students study in the province and then apply for a postgraduate work permit with the goal to become permanent residents afterwards.
#Saskatchewan, #international_students, #study_in_Canada
The world is so big, why choose Canada?
The Canadian government respects multiculturalism; encourages young people to study in colleges and universities; and attracts talent from all over the world to settle in Canada and develop Canada’s economy. According to a report from a 2019 survey, many foreigners are willing to live in Canada. Canada lived up to expectations and was shortlisted in the Top 10, ranking 9th with a happiness index of 7.27. In the 2019 annual ranking of the world’s best countries, Canada ranked third, behind Switzerland and Japan. And in terms of quality of life, it is ranked first in the world! In terms of national treatment, cultural influence, mobility, economic openness, strength and quality of life, it also demonstrated excellent performance. In the “Global Education Quality” list published by the US “News and World Report”, Canada ranked first, successfully surpassing the United States. In the QS TOP100 Best Global Studying Cities in 2019, 5 cities in Canada were shortlisted as well: Montreal (6), Toronto (11), Vancouver (16), Ottawa (45) and Quebec (115).
#Canada, #newcomers, #international_students
Update: Canadian visa centres reopen on February 10
The Canadian Visa Centre has just updated its webpage announcing that all visa centres in China will reopen on February 10! The announcement said: “The Canadian Visa Application Centre will continue to be closed and is scheduled to reopen on February 10, 2020. The Wuhan Canadian Visa Application Centre will continue to be closed and is scheduled to reopen on February 14, 2020. If further notification from relevant government agencies at all levels are received, the reopening date of visa centres in various places may be adjusted again. ” Students who are about to depart for Canada are advised to plan for travel as soon as possible. When they travel, they should wear a mask at all times. After arriving in Canada, they are responsible for themselves and others. It is best to isolate themselves for 14 days. If there are any special circumstances, they should communicate with the school in a timely manner.
#China, #coronavirus, #IRCC