The number of study permits issued in 2020 is falling

The number of study permits issued in 2020 is falling

The number of study permits issued in 2020 is falling
As of April 30, 2020, Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada issued study permits to 66,990 foreign nationals. According to the data by IRCC, 47,460 study permits (70.8%) were issued for students admitted in the Post Secondary programs in Canadian colleges and universities. 11,930 foreign students received study permits (17.8%) to study in secondary or less than secondary schools. Another 7,580 study permit holders (11.3%) will study in other types of studies. Finally, in 40 cases, the education level of international students was not stated. The COVID-19 pandemic will definitely reduce the total number of international students in Canada this year, but the exact data will become available in a few months. In 2019, Canada issued 402,335 study permits.

#International_students, #study_permits, #study_in_Canada

Canada issued 26,840 PGWPs to international graduates
In the four months of 2020, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) issued Post Graduate Work Permits (PGWP) to 26,840 international graduates. PGWP is an open work permit that allows international students to work for any employer. The Post Graduate Work Permit Program was established in 2005 as a pathway for international graduates to obtain Canadian work experience. PGWP can be issued for a period of up to three years. Last year, Canada granted PGWPs to 98,545 international students.

#international_graduates, #international_students, #PGWP, #Work_permit, #OWP, #Work_in_Canada

Immigration application system set for an update
The government of Canada is working on a complete overhaul of how immigration applications are processed as the government braces for post-pandemic demand for immigration to Canada. Ageing computer systems, paper applications, and in-person interviews are among the things that must be adapted for the “new normal” after COVID-19, IRCC said in a tender posted to the government’s procurement website and marked “urgent.” The government is anticipating when travel restrictions begin to ease, a significant surge of applications will happen. IRCC needs to act quickly to develop updated and new strategies and digital systems to cope with the fast changes we are facing. Immigration was suspended in March when the world shut down all its borders to slow the spread of the virus. The Canadian government during the shut down allowed some categories to enter Canada such as temporary foreign workers and students, meanwhile, thousands of others including refugees are waiting for the travel restrictions to be lifted and enter Canada.

#IRCC, #PR_processing