The 2019 International Experience Canada season is over!

The 2019 International Experience Canada season is over!

The 2019 International Experience Canada season is over!
On October 4, 2019, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) held the last invitations round for all categories and pools of the International Experience Canada (IEC) for the 2019 season. In the last week of the season, IRCC invited 738 candidates to apply for a Work Permit in the IEC. In this round, Canada issued 229 Invitations to Apply (ITA) to Working Holiday candidates from Australia; 202 ITAs to candidates from Ireland; 65 invitations to candidates from New Zealand, and 46 ITAs to candidates from Japan. The remaining 196 ITAs were issued to candidates from the other pools and participating countries. All old profiles will be removed and candidates who were not invited in 2019 will have to create a new profile when the pools reopen again. GCkey accounts of the candidates will remain valid. In total, in 2019 Canada invited 136,480 ITAs under the IEC. The 2020 season may reopen in late December 2019 or early January 2020.

#IEC, #Working_Holiday, #ITA, #IRCC, #Work_Permit

A drastic increase in international students in the Greater Toronto Area
The Toronto District School Board (TDSB) now boasts the highest figures in terms of the number of international students. According to the TDSB, the number of international students is projected to reach 2,600 this year, up by 900 from 2015-16. The Ministry of Education projects there will be about 11,750 international students this year across the province. “Ontario is a top destination of choice for international students since the province is recognized for providing high-quality education,” said Alexandra Adamo, press secretary for the Education Minister. A recent study conducted by The Star and the St. Catharines Standard with 22 Ontario public post-secondary institutions showed that in the past five years, international student numbers in Ontario increased by 155%.

#International_students, #Ontario, #GTA

Andrew Scheer agrees with the Liberal Party’s immigration policy
Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer expressed agreement with his opponent’s immigration policies. According to Scheer, he agrees with the Liberals’ plans to have up to 350,000 immigrants in Canada by 2021. He believes this is a reasonable number. This is the first time the Conservatives revealed their immigration targets. In the past, Scheer has remained careful with his response on this topic. He said providing a number for immigration is only to distract people. Near the end of 2018, the Liberal government announced the immigration quota for the following three years. Their plan was to increase immigration targets from the 310,000 in 2018 to 350,000 by 2021. This number encompasses different streams of immigration, where a majority will be targeted at skilled immigrants to help resolve the labour shortage in Canada. No matter which of the main parties will form a government, as both favour immigration.

#elections, #immigration_policy, #immigration_levels

167,050 foreigners were already granted work permits within the International Mobility Program in 2019
The International Mobility Program allows Canadian employers hiring temporary foreign workers without a Labour Market Impact Assessment (LMIA). So far, according to the official data, in the first seven months of the year, IRCC issued work permits to 167,050 foreign workers. In 2018, Canada issued 254,520 work permits in the International Mobility Program. All work permits under this program are open, allowing foreigners to work for any employer.

#Skilled_workers, #International_Mobility, #work_permits, #work_ in_Canada