08 Jul Saskatchewan has updated the data on application intake thresholds
Saskatchewan has updated the data on application intake thresholds
Saskatchewan has updated the information regarding the intake thresholds in various streams of the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). All data is accurate as of July 1, 2019. In the category of International Skilled Workers, 3,315 applications (with an Employment Offer) are currently being accepted. The maximum number of applications in this category is 4000. In the Saskatchewan Experience category, in the stream for Existing Work Permits & Health Professionals, the number of remaining applications that will be accepted by the SINP in 2019 is 1,085 of the total 1200; in the stream for Students the number of remaining applications that will be accepted by the SINP in 2019 is 1,048 of the total 1300; in the stream for Hospitality Workers the number of remaining applications is 191 of the total 200; in the stream for Long Haul Truck Drivers the number of remaining applications is 50 of the total 48. Finally, in the category of Entrepreneurs and Farmers, the number of remaining applications that will be accepted by the SINP in 2019 is 42 of the total 50.
#Saskatchewan, #SINP, #Intake_Tresholds
Visa applications from Chinese tourists down since Huawei’s chief financial officer arrested
The number of applications for Chinese visitor visas in January and February of this year was 19,668 and 16,721, respectively, well below the numbers from one year earlier, when 36,406 and 23,108 applications were recorded, according to statistics collected by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada. Ms. Meng, Huawei’s chief financial officer, was arrested on Dec. 1 at Vancouver International Airport, sparking one of the worst crises in Canada-China relations in decades.
#China, #Visitor_visa
Majority of Canadians encourage the immigration of skilled workers over refugees
A survey conducted by Public Square Research and Maru Blue shows that Canadians’ views are divided over immigration. The poll shows that 76% of people agreed that Canada should do more to encourage skilled labourers to immigrate to the country, while 57% said Canada should not accept more refugees. Experts say the findings reflect continuing confusion over the legitimacy of migrants crossing the Canadian border outside official ports of entry, a problem they say has been exacerbated by increased media attention. Last year alone, 55,030 people took asylum in Canada and more than 300,000 people came as permanent residents.
#Immigration_attitude, #Refugees, #Skilled_immigrants