20 Sep Quebec invited 444 candidates in the new invitations round
Quebec invited 444 candidates in the new invitations round
On September 19, 2019, the Quebec Ministry of Immigration, Diversity and Inclusion (MIDI), released information about the third round of invitations via the online system Arrima. On August 19, 2019, MIDI invited 444 candidates to apply for a Quebec Selection Certificate under the Quebec Skilled Worker Program. All invited candidates have 60 days to submit their full application. In total, since the launch of Arrima, the government of Quebec invited 1394 candidates.
#MIDI, #Quebec, #Arrima, #QSW
Canada’s population could double by 2068
Canada’s population could almost double over the next 50 years — and will certainly grow older, according to the latest projections from Statistics Canada. On September 17, 2019, Statistics Canada published a report entitled the Population Projections for Canada (2018 to 2068), Provinces and Territories (2018 to 2043). While the Canadian population has grown significantly from 30.7 million people in 2000 to 37.1 million in 2018, the population could nearly double in the next 50 years, reaching 70.2 million by 2068, Statistics Canada says. It offers a wide range of possible scenarios, however. In the low-growth scenario, the population would reach 44.4 million by 2068; in the medium-growth scenario, 55.2 million. In all three scenarios, Canada’s population growth will be powered primarily by immigration.
#immigration, #demography, #Statistics_Canada
Canada admitted 2,830 self-employed immigrants since 2015
Despite the clear preference of skilled foreign workers, Canada is also interested in foreign self-employed persons. For that reason, the federal government has developed the Self-Employed Persons Program (SEPP). To be eligible for this program, a self-employed person must have at least two years of experience as a self-employed. According to the Open Government data, since January 2015, about 2830 self-employed persons received a status of Permanent Residents of Canada. In 2015, there were 675 such cases; in 2016 – 685; in 2017 – 435; in 2018 – 540. As of June 2019, 495 self-employed persons already immigrated to Canada (All values are rounded to the closest multiple of 5). As for the destination of self-employed persons, 48% of them settle in Ontario, 31% – in British Columbia, and 11% in Quebec. The remaining 10% have chosen other provinces.
#PR, #Self-employed, #SEPP, #Ontario, #British_Columbia, #Quebec