Ontario removed the application guides for OINP

Ontario removed the application guides for OINP

Ontario removed the application guides for OINP
On September 4, 2020, the website of the Ontario government informed that the province has removed the application guides for Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) streams except the Entrepreneur stream. Along with that, OINP has updated all stream webpages as well as the document checklist page. The reason for such a step is to ensure consistency and accuracy of program information in order to avoid misinformation and mistakes caused by outdated information. As of now, Ontario issued 10,436 invitations in the OINP in 2020.

#Ontario, #OINP, #PNP

Number of newcomers overqualified for their jobs three times more than local Canadians
Statistics Canada conducted a survey on the “over qualification” of newcomers at workplaces. The survey found out that the number of newcomers who are overqualified for the jobs they are hired for is three times more than local Canadians. Statistics Canada pointed out that in the past few decades, the situation has not improved in Canada. The survey found out that newcomers who possess high qualifications in professions such as law, sociology, visual and performing arts, and communications technology are seriously hit by tough accreditation of their foreign credentials in Canada, but newcomers with high credentials in professions such in mathematics, science and computer science, rarely encounter the “over qualification” problem.

#newcomers, #employment, #immigrant_adaptation

Canada updated the instructions on citizenship delivery abroad
On September 2, 2020, Global Affairs Canada (GAC) released new instructions for citizenship delivery abroad. The Citizenship Program Delivery regulates the aspects of providing Canadian citizenship based on Citizenship and Passport Program Guidance (CPPG). The new instructions include the citizenship program directives from the GAC intranet and will now be available on the IRCC intranet. These directives regulate the proof of citizenship, citizenship renunciations, and search of records.

#IRCC, #GAC, #Citizenship

What provinces benefited the most from Express Entry in 2020?
The main beneficiary of Express Entry in 2020 is Ontario. In the first half of 2020, it welcomed almost 60% of all Express Entry immigrants. The only two other provinces which may be regarded as the beneficiaries of Express Entry are British Columbia and Alberta, which attracted 21.6% and 10%, respectively. All other provinces combined accepted less than 9% of Express Entry immigrants. Nunavut is the only Canadian territory with no new Express Entry immigrants.

Alberta – 4,490 (10.38%)
British Columbia – 9,345 (21.61%)
Manitoba – 965 (2.23%)
New Brunswick – 440 (1.02%)
Newfoundland and Labrador – 115 (0.27%)
Northwest Territories – 25 (0.06%)
Nova Scotia – 1,020 (2.36%)
Ontario – 25,765 (59.59%)
Prince Edward Island – 360 (0.83%)
Saskatchewan – 700 (1.62%)
Yukon – 20 (0.05%)
Canada welcomed 43,240 foreign nationals who immigrated to Canada via Express Entry between January 1 and June 30, 2020.

#Express_Entry, #PR, #PR_admissions