Ontario invited 772 candidates in the OINP Tech Draw

Ontario invited 772 candidates in the OINP Tech Draw

Ontario invited 772 candidates in the OINP Tech Draw
On October 15, 2020, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) sent 772 Notifications of Interest (NOIs) to candidates under the Ontario’s Express Entry Human Capital Priorities stream. This is the sixth OINP tech draw since the launch of this initiative. OINP tech draws is aimed at candidates in six following technical occupations: NOC 2173 Software engineers and designers, NOC 2174 Computer programmer and interactive media developers, NOC 2147 Computer engineers, NOC 2175 Web designers and developers, NOC 2172 Database analysts and data administrators, and NOC 0213 Computer and information systems managers. The CRS score range of this draw was 462-470. In 2020, Ontario issued 3,717 NOIs to apply for the provincial nomination in the tech draws. In total, Ontario invited 12,423 candidates under all streams of the OINP in 2020.

#Ontario, #OINP, #Human_capital, #OINP_tech_draw, #Express_Entry

Canada’s immigration policy is among the best among the OECD members
The 2019 Immigration Outcomes report conducted by IRCC showed the success of Canada’s immigration policy in many aspects. Among the member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Canada received the largest number of skilled working immigrants each year. Canada has the most well-designed and experienced skilled immigration system, which is widely regarded as a benchmark by OECD member states. In terms of effective integration, newcomers’ unemployment rate is similar to that of native-born Canadians. The report also mentioned that the formulation of Canada’s immigration policies is based on scientific analysis of various data systems. Canadian immigration may recover from the COVID-19 among the first in the world.

#IRCC, #newcomer_intergation, #skilled_workers

Canada’s immigration policy is among the best among the OECD members
The 2019 Immigration Outcomes report conducted by IRCC showed the success of Canada’s immigration policy in many aspects. Among the member states of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Canada received the largest number of skilled working immigrants each year. Canada has the most well-designed and experienced skilled immigration system, which is widely regarded as a benchmark by OECD member states. In terms of effective integration, newcomers’ unemployment rate is similar to that of native-born Canadians. The report also mentioned that the formulation of Canada’s immigration policies is based on scientific analysis of various data systems. Canadian immigration may recover from the COVID-19 among the first in the world.

#IRCC, #newcomer_intergation, #skilled_workers

The positive effects of immigration on business productivity
According to a new study released by Statistics Canada entitled “Immigration and Firm Productivity: Evidence from the Canadian Employer-Employee Dynamics Database,” an increase in the share of immigrant workers in a firm is associated with an increase in labour productivity at the firm level in Canada. The effects of immigrants on business productivity varied considerably across immigrant characteristics and industry sectors. The effect was stronger among low-skilled or less educated immigrants compared to high-skilled or university-educated workers. These differences were more pronounced in technology-intensive and knowledge-based industries. The relatively small effect of high-skilled or university-educated immigrants on productivity is consistent with previous empirical research in Canada, which found that recent immigrants with a university degree earned similar wages to those with a university degree. Canadian-born workers with only a high school diploma, and that more than half of recent immigrants with a university education in STEM fields were not working in STEM occupations and tended to work in low-skilled jobs.

#immigration_policy, #Statistics_Canada, #STEM

Each refugee claim cost taxpayers about $13,000 to $20,000
According to a report from Lexbase, in 2018, Canadian taxpayers paid about $13,000 to $20,000 to process each refugee claim in Canada. The federal expenditure is $12,670, while the total expenses paid by the provinces to applicants amounted to $7,260. This includes $3,500 as social welfare, $1,842 for education, and $1,920 for legal aid. This information was obtained through IRCC and the Immigration Department confirmed the number is probably outdated as they are still trying to figure out a better formula to come up with a more accurate number. At the same time, according to Statistics Canada, illegal entry from the US to Canada dropped by 90% in July 2020 compared to last year.

#Refugees, #USA, #illegal_migrants, #asylu_claims