23 May Ontario invited 360 French-speaking candidates via OINP
Ontario invited 360 French-speaking candidates via OINP
On May 22, 2019, Ontario Immigration Nominee Program (OINP) held the new round of invitations of the French Speaking Skilled Worker Stream (FSSW) candidates. After three months of pause, Ontario invited 360 candidates in the new draw. This was the sixth round of invitations in this stream since the beginning of the year. In 2019 Ontario invited 549 candidates in the FSSW. In 2018, Ontario welcomed 1633 French-speaking immigrants. In total, in this year 3,809 candidates were invited via all streams of OINP.
#Ontario, #OINP, #Francophones
Alberta nominated 2,039 candidates in 2019
On May 21, 2019, Alberta updated the information about the invitation rounds in the Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP). So far, AINP issued 2,039 nomination certificates in 2019. Another 2,075 applications await assessment for eligibility. In the Alberta Opportunity Stream, the approximate number of applications waiting for assessment is 975. Those applications were received before January 15, 2019. In the Employer-Driven Stream, there are over 175 unassessed applications in the International graduate category (submitted before June 6, 2018), and less than 10 applications in the Skilled worker category (submitted before June 14, 2018). AINP completed the assessment of all applications in the Strategic Recruitment Stream and is no longer accepting applications under this stream. On May 15, 2019, Alberta held a new draw in the Alberta Express Entry Stream. In the new round, AINP issued 197 Notifications of Interest (NOI) and the lowest score of the candidate who received the NOI was 301. Since the beginning of the year, AINP invited 3,554 candidates in the Alberta Express Entry Stream.
#Alberta, #AINP
Saskatchewan issued 325 invitations on May 22
On May 22, 2019, Saskatchewan invited 325 candidates in the Express Entry and Occupations In-Demand categories of the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). In the Express Entry category, SINP issued 104 invitations to apply. In the Occupations In-Demand category, SINP invited 221 candidates. The lowest score in both categories was 82. In this round, there were no occupation-specific preferences. In total, Saskatchewan invited 1,870 candidates via SINP in 2019.
#Saskatchewan, #SINP
British Columbia invited 234 candidates in the new round
On May 22, 2019, British Columbia issued new invitations to apply to the candidates under Express Entry British Columbia and Skilled Immigrant categories of the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) program. The total number of invitations issued in this round is 234. The lowest scores in the categories were:
Skilled Immigrant – Skilled Worker 95
Skilled Immigrant – International Graduate 100
Skilled Immigrant – Entry Level and Semi-Skilled 75
Express Entry British Columbia – Skilled Worker 105
Express Entry British Columbia – International Graduate 105
In total, British Columbia invited 518 candidates in this month, and 2,999 candidates in 2019.
#British_Columbia, #BCPNP