25 Jul More than 7,000 people were denied entry to Canada
More than 7,000 people were denied entry to Canada
Since last year, the CBSA has increased its border control and prohibited 7,208 people from entering Canada. They were repatriated immediately. This figure was an increase compared to the 2017 figure of 2,873. The five countries that faced the highest number of repatriations are Romania, with 1,860 people; Mexico, with 1,767 people; India, with 1,080 people; Hungary with 275 people and Iran, with 164 people.
#CBSA, #Security, #denied_entry
Express Entry Draw #122
On July 24, 2019, Canada held a new round of invitations in the Express Entry selection system. In round #122, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) second time in a row issued 3,600 Invitations to Apply (ITA). If this trend will continue, we can expect a gradual reduction of the minimum Comprehensive Ranking System score. In this round, the minimum CRS was 459, 1 point lower than in the round #121. The tie-breaking rule for this round was May 25, 2019 at 14:40:52 UTC. As of July 19, 2019, there are 114,290 profiles registered in the Express Entry pool. In total, Canada has already invited 49,000 candidates in fifteen rounds of the Express Entry in 2019.
#Express_Entry, #IRCC
Saskatchewan issued ITAs to 381 SINP candidates
On July 24, 2019, Saskatchewan invited 381 candidates in its Express Entry and Occupations In-Demand categories of the Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP). In the Express Entry category, Saskatchewan issued 104 invitations to apply. In the Occupations In-Demand category, SINP invited 277 candidates. All invited candidates had Educational Credential Assessments. Saskatchewan has already invited 426 candidates in July under all streams. In total, the number of ITAs issued by the province in 2019 is 3201.
#Saskatchewan, #SINP
Ontario Attorney General asks the Prime Minister for more legal aid funding for refugees
Ontario Attorney General Doug Downey wrote directly to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, asking for more money for refugee legal aid services. Downey said that he had asked Justice Minister David Lametti and Finance Minister Bill Morneau to properly fund immigration and refugee legal-aid services in Ontario but has received no response. Downey asked the Prime Minister in his letter to instruct his (Trudeau’s) ministers to reply to Ontario’s requests.
#Refugees, #Ontario, #Legal_aid