02 Apr Minimum wage increased in New Brunswick
Minimum wage increased in New Brunswick
On April 1, 2019, the minimum wage in New Brunswick was increased to $11.50 per hour. “Our government is committed to providing predictable increases to the minimum wage to help both employers and employees in our province,” said Post-Secondary Education, Training and Labour Minister Trevor Holder. “Linking the minimum wage to an economic indicator like the consumer price index will protect the purchasing power of minimum-wage earners and allow New Brunswick employers to be better prepared for increases when they occur.” The minimum wage rate is indexed to the province’s consumer price index, rounded to the nearest five cents. The provincial government and the governments of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland and Labrador have agreed to harmonize the date of effect of any minimum wage increase to April 1.
Halifax mayor says municipalities need more control over immigration coverage
Mayor Mike Savage says the municipality wants more control over immigration to make sure immigrants come to Halifax and stay in Halifax. Savage highlighted his place on the matter on the Nationwide Metropolis Convention hosted at the Halifax Conference Centre, involving talks on nationwide immigration developments, insurance policies and different points. “People from other parts of the world are key to our success and our future,” Savage said, pointing to the potential for stabilizing the population and growing the economy. The power of the municipality to manage that intake is limited, as the formal responsibility for opening borders and providing services to immigrants is shared by Ottawa and the provinces.
#Halifax, #Nova_Scotia, #Immigration
Canadian Immigration Summit to explore immigration in a fast-changing world
Immigration is an important driver in a fast-changing world — that idea is the foundation of this year’s Conference Board of Canada’s Canadian Immigration Summit 2019 to be held in Ottawa, on May 8-9. The purpose of the 2019 summit is to explore how Canada can respond proactively to emerging immigration issues in a rapidly changing world. With more than 400 delegates, the summit will examine key drivers of economic, social and technological change that could affect the Canadian immigration system. Expert speakers will challenge attendees to expand their horizons by testing their underlying assumptions and getting them to think and plan beyond the short-term. The topics will also include the global refugee population, which is at an all-time high, and what Canada can do to help; and how Canada can remain a destination of choice for immigrants and international students as other countries offer improved economic opportunity to their citizens and global talent.
#Immigration, #Global_mobility, #Refugees
What is flag-poling?
What is flag-poling and why people would do this legal manoeuvre, bypassing immigration offices. Flag poling is known as a time-saving alternative to applying to Immigration Refugees and Citizenship Canada, where processing times can take months. By flag poling, candidates present themselves at the Canadian Port of Entry and are processed in minutes. For example, a person that was accepted into the IEC program, can just go to the nearest Canadian Port of Entry on land (not the airport) and carry out a work permit procedure. It is recommended that people go to the crossing points from Tuesday to Thursday as during peak traffic times at the border people might be informed that same-day processing might not be possible. Undocumented persons or people who were in the US without a visa should not attempt flag poling at the border as they might be detained or deported.
#Port_of_entry, #Flag_poling, #Work_permit