25 Aug IRCC hired more employees to solve the immigration backlog
IRCC hired more employees to solve the immigration backlog
On August 24, 2022, Sean Fraser, Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC), announced the Government’s efforts to improve the Canadian immigration system and reduce application backlogs, with a particular emphasis on labour shortages, client experience, and family reunification. The Minister also announced that up to 1,250 new employees would be hired by the end of the fall to increase application processing capacity and reduce backlogs, and make the system more sustainable in both the short and long term. IRCC is constantly managing over 1 million applications. In 2021, IRCC finalized 1.7 million applications from all lines of business.
IRCC, #Fraser, #immigration_backlog, #labour_shortage, #Application_processing
Immigration to Canada increased by 60% in the first half of 2022
A total of 231,625 new permanent residents immigrated to Canada in the first six months of 2022 – a grandiose 59.8% more than last year during the same time period. From January to June this year, Canada admitted more new permanent residents than in any full year before the pandemic started. In 2019, only 160,235 people became permanent residents in the first six months. The latest data from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) indicates that the rate of newcomers is on track to reach 463,250 new permanent residents in Canada this year if the trend continues throughout the rest of 2022.
IRCC, #statistics, #PR, #newcomers, #permanent_residency
Newfoundland and Labrador to celebrate Ukraine’s Independence Day
On August 24, 2022, the Ministry of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills of Newfoundland and Labrador celebrated Independence Day of Ukraine. The arrival of Ukrainians in Newfoundland and Labrador is one of the province’s most recent demographic changes. Since the illegal Russian takeover began on February 24, 2022, over 600 Ukrainians have arrived in Newfoundland and Labrador. The Provincial Government has also been working with hundreds more people who wish to come to the province for safety. The Provincial Government, the Association for New Canadians, and the newly formed Ukrainian community cultural organization Ukrainian-NL have held celebration events.
NL, #Newfoundland_and_Labrador, #Ukraine, #Ukrainian_Independence_Day
Sudbury considered 8 applications in the Rural and Northern Pilot
On August 23, 2022, the City of Greater Sudbury held a new round of invitations in the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP). In this round, Sudbury considered 8 candidates, one of whom has been accepted under the Francophone Stream. The lowest score of this draw was 270 points, 30 points more than in the previous draw. The last applicant in this draw was considered on August 5, 2022. This year, in total, 19 applicants have been invited. In total, at least 90 individuals were recommended by the city since the launch of the program.