International Experience Canada Program will hold new draws next week

International Experience Canada Program will hold new draws next week

International Experience Canada Program will hold new draws next week
International Experience Canada (IEC) Program will open next week, on January 9, 2023. Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) increased the IEC quota for 2023 by 20%. The IEC provides a two-year opportunity for foreign youth aged 18-35 from 36 partner countries. The program allows Canadian employers to hire foreign workers for an extended period and enables young people to travel, get international experience and explore the country.

IRCC, #IEC, #Fraser, #foreign_workers, #work_and_travel

Canada needs more skilled workers to fill jobs in the building trades
As Baby Boomers retire from their respective positions, Canada desperately needs foreign nationals to take up the empty positions and fill the one million open jobs. Housing and Diversity Inclusion Minister Ahmed Hussen insists on immigration as an essential resource for economic growth, citing skilled immigrants are needed to provide real solutions for businesses seeking workers in the building trades. In response to Canadians’ concerns that increased immigration leads to skyrocketing housing prices and shortages, Housing and Diversity and Inclusion Minister disagreed with this argument. Despite the apprehension that new immigrants to Canada will inevitably raise housing prices, numerous studies have demonstrated this concern is unfounded. Many believe immigration increases demand and bolster the economy, which drives house values.

Housing, #vacancies, #Labour_shortage, #foreign_workers

Atlantic Immigration Program has increased the immigrant retention rate
Atlantic Canada has seen a dramatic increase in its immigrant retention since the introduction of the Atlantic Immigration Program (AIP) five years ago. Now, more immigrants are choosing to stay and build their lives here than ever before. In the five years from 2010 to 2015, immigrants who planned to stay in Ontario, British Columbia or Alberta were more likely than those bound for other provinces to remain in these three provinces. While retention rates of these areas generally remained stable over time — except for a downward trend observed in Alberta between 2014 and 2015 (from 88.9% to 84.5%) — immigrants proved most loyal when settling into the provinces mentioned above. Prince Edward Island demonstrated the most significant growth among new admission cohorts despite having the lowest retention rate over a five-year period.

AIP, #Atlantic_immigration, #PEI, #Alberta, #Ontario, #BC

BC will recognize licenses of more internationally trained doctors to tackle the physician shortage issue
British Columbia has unveiled a series of measures to bring more medical professionals into the province to address the growing physician shortage and reduce emergency department overcrowding. Premier David Eby affirmed that by March 2024, the number of Practice Ready Assessment (PRA) program spots would be tripled from 32 to 96- ensuring access to high-quality health care for all residents. In addition, the program provides the opportunity for family doctors who are educated abroad to become licensed in the province, adding more physicians to rural and urban communities via a three-year mandatory service obligation.

PRA, #BC, #labour_shortage, #healthcare_workers, #physicians