21 Oct Immigration pathways stimulate population growth in Newfoundland and Labrador
Immigration pathways stimulate population growth in Newfoundland and Labrador
Newfoundland and Labrador have a declining birth rate and shortage of people to fill job vacancies all over the province. According to the province’s Minister of Immigration, Population Growth and Skills, Gerry Byrne’s statement in the House of Assembly, the province needs to respond to serious demographic challenges by increasing the level of immigration into the province. The Government of Newfoundland and Labrador aims to reach the goal of receiving 5,100 newcomers a year by 2026, encouraging skilled and talented individuals to move to the province.
#NL, #Newfoundland_and_Labrador, #demography, #population_growth
Spotify will hire more Canadians and foreign nationals living in Canada
Spotify – an online audio streaming service is planning to hire hundreds of more employees in Canada, expanding its workforce by 15,000 in 2021. Spotify’s head of advertising business Lee Brown said that the company is “increasing its business marketing workforce by over 70 percent in Europe, Australia, and Canada, … investing in the advertising business.” The increase in the number of tech job opportunities can contribute to the highly-skilled tech workers gaining permanent residency (PR) in Canada, including the Global Talent Stream (GTS) of the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP).
#Spotify, #Tech, #IT, #PR, #GTS, #TFWP
Study permit application volumes reach pre-pandemic levels
Canada processed and accepted more international students in 2021 and reaches pre-pandemic levels. This year, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) processed about 730,000 new student permit applications by August 2021, which means a 27% increase over the same period from 2019. In 2020, due to the pandemic, the amount of new study permit applications fell by nearly half – from 847,852 applications in 2019 to just under 442,000 in 2020. Approximately 20% of all applications in 2021 were from India as well as other major countries, including Bangladesh, Colombia, Iran, Nigeria, the Philippines, and Vietnam.
#Study_permit, #IRCC, #international_students, #Study_in_Canada
Ontario demands the Federal Government to economic immigration into the province
Ontario has been calling on the Federal Government to increase the level of economic immigration into the province. Ontario, even being the most immigrant accepting province, has a labour shortage of 290,000 people and wants ‘hard working’ immigrants to fill the job vacancies in various sectors. Premier of Ontario Doug Ford wrote letter after letter about the labour shortage to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, saying the province needs more people and asked the Government to speed up Ontario’s plan to recruit more new immigrants.
#Ontario, #Doug_Ford, #Labour_shortage, #jobs, #vacancies