12 Jun Canadian parents will be able to pass Canadian citizenship to their children born abroad
Canadian parents will be able to pass Canadian citizenship to their children born abroad
The Citizenship Act has undergone changes approved by a committee of MPs, allowing individuals born abroad to adopt their Canadian parent’s citizenship. This decision was made despite objections from Conservatives. In 2009, the Conservative government modified the law to prohibit Canadian parents born abroad from passing down their citizenship unless their child was also born in Canada. The NDP has proposed a new amendment, which would grant citizenship to the child if the Canadian parent spent at least three years in Canada, proving their eligibility. The new rule was added to a private member’s bill at the House of Commons immigration committee, which has the support of the Liberal Party.
Citizenship, Canadian_citizenship
Immigration Department teams up with Rainbow Road to help LGBTQ refugees
Canada has teamed up with a non-profit organization to identify and assist LGBTQ individuals fleeing violence worldwide, offering them government-assisted refugee status in Canada. The non-profit, Rainbow Road, operates from North America and is dedicated to aiding people facing persecution due to systemic homophobia and transphobia in their home countries. Until now, the organization has provided emergency relocation, crisis response, and financial assistance to those in danger. Rainbow Road will facilitate the first government-sponsored resettlement of refugees through the partnership with Canada.
Refugees, #LGBTQ, #Rainbow_road, #govenrment_assisted_refugees
The Quebec Investor Immigration Program became even more accessible to foreign entrepreneurs
The Quebec Immigrant Investor Program (QIIP), Canada’s top business immigration program, is about to be relaunched. The new program will remove the requirement to establish and manage a new business in Canada, making it even more accessible for foreign investors to participate. Regulated investment dealers and trust companies will serve as financial intermediaries, providing investor confidence and compensation for agents. In addition, the Government of Quebec will guarantee investment and enable financing for applicants, making the program even more attractive.