03 Aug Canada updated instructions for permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents
Canada updated instructions for permanent residence pathways for Hong Kong residents
On July 30, 2021, the Government of Canada updated instructions for the permanent residence (PR) pathways for Hong Kong residents and added clarifications for the education requirements and e-post instructions. Now, all applications under the PR pathways for Hong Kong residents have to be submitted by e-post, except those who have a disability. According to the new guidance, applicants of Stream A must have graduated from a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada in the 3 years before they apply and have a post-secondary degree or diploma or a graduate or post-graduate credential for a program that is at least 1 year in length. Applicants under Stream B also have to meet these criteria, whereas they must have graduated from a DLI in the 5 years before application.
#Hong_Kong, #IRCC, #PR, #open_work_permit, #international_students, #skilled_workers
Yukon has been affirmed with AA Stable credit rating
Yukon’s strong financial position has been affirmed with an AA Stable credit rating and a stable outlook by S&P Global Ratings (S&P) which is a leading credit rating agency publishing global financial research, analysis, and credit ratings. During the evaluation of Canadian provinces and territories, S&P considered demographic trends, the economic performance of the private sector, and government finances. Revenue and expenditure impacts related to the COVID-19 pandemic are considered to be temporary since S&P’s expectation is Yukon to maintain relatively stable fiscal performance. A stable economy in Yukon will attract more immigrants in the future and help the province obtain more investments.
#Yukon, #S&P, #credit_rating
Canadian employers look for employees in the health care sector
According to Statistics Canada’s newly-published job vacancies report, the health care sector has the highest number of open vacancies. For the seventh consecutive month, Canadian employers were actively recruiting positions in the health care sector that had the highest number of job openings in Canada. With about 107,300 open positions in May 2021, nearly one-sixth of all job vacancies were in this sector. Accommodation and food services and retail trade had the second and third-highest number of openings respectively with 78,000 and 73,800 job vacancies.
#Health_care_sector, #jobs, #vacancies, #accomodaion_services, #Retail_trade
Canada attracts more international students than other countries
According to a poll conducted by IDP Connect, Canada was given top marks by international students looking for overseas destinations to obtain education and complete their college and university degrees. More than 6,000 students have been surveyed that were interested in or already studying at 527 colleges and universities across Canada and other countries. This is the result of the Canadian Government’s successful policies that international students looking for a place to study abroad consider Canada as a country handling Covid-19 better than other countries.
#International_students, #Covid_19, IDP_Connect, #survey