19 Mar Canada issued 5,000 ITAs in the Express Entry draw for CEC candidates
Canada issued 5,000 ITAs in the Express Entry draw for CEC candidates
On March 18, 2021, the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) conducted a new Express Entry draw. In the program-specific draw #179, Canada issued 5,000 Invitations to Apply for permanent residence in Canada in the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) Program. The lowest score was 449 points. Many CEC-eligible aspirants with low scores expected the repetition of the February 13 draw, but it looks like IRCC decided to return to regular numbers of ITAs in one round. The tie-breaking rule for this round was February 19, 2021 at 15:59:57 UTC. In 2021, Canada already issued 43,840 invitations to apply in four draws of Express Entry. IRCC keeps the practice of program-specific invitation rounds. Unfortunately, Canada is not inviting candidates from abroad at the moment.
#Express_Entry, #IRCC, #ITA, #CEC
PEI PNP issued 150 invitation in the March 18 draw
On March 18, 2021, Prince Edward Island conducted a new invitation round in the Prince Edward Island Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP). In the third round of 2021, the province issued 140 invitations to apply to skilled workers in the Labour Impact and Express Entry streams. The province also invited 10 candidates in the Business Work Permit Entrepreneurs stream. The lowest score for business-candidates was 70 points, twelve points fewer than in the February draw. In 2021, the PEI PNP invited 482 candidates to apply for the provincial nomination. 44 invitees belong to business class candidates. The next round is scheduled for April 15, 2021.
#Prince_Edward_Island, #PEIPNP, #Business_immigration, #Skilled_workers, #Entrepreneurs, #PNP
Canadian Prime Minister extends the US border crossing ban
On March 18, 2021, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced in his Tweeter that the border with the United States will remain closed for non-essential travels for another 30 days – until April 21, 2021. Trudeau said his government will continue to do whatever is necessary to keep Canada safe. In February, the federal government also extended the international travel ban until April 21. The Canadian border remains close for more than one year since the outbreak of the global pandemic. The only exception to travel restrictions includes essential workers, some family members of Canadian citizens and permanent residents, and several categories of international students and foreign workers.
#IRCC, #CBSA, #PHAC, #COVID_19, #TRV, #visitor_visas, #study_permits, #work_permits #travel_restrictions
Quebec presented an update for the Refugees Abroad Program
On March 18, 2021, Quebec presented the intake mechanism for Collective Sponsorship applications under the Program for Refugees Abroad for 2020-2021. The new instructions introduced a simplified mechanism that allows online application submission via the Arrima platform. Groups of 2 to 5 individuals are eligible to submit applications should they meet the eligibility criteria. One group can submit no more than two applications. Each individual cannot be a member of more than one group of sponsors. The Quebec Ministry of Immigration (MIFI) allocated a quota of 750 spots for the program. In the case the number of applications will exceed the quota, MIFI will conduct a random draw for the candidates.
#Quebec, #MIFI, #refugees
Ontario updated regulations for appointing a representative
On March 17, 2021, the Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP) issued a notice regarding appointing a representative. From now on, OINP requires candidates to appoint a representative using their own accounts in the OINP’s e-Filing system. Furthermore, Ontario does not allow the self-appointment of representatives as this may give representatives access to the clients’ confidential information. In the case OINP will determine the fact of self-appointment of the representative, it will withdraw the application. These rules are applicable to the new Expression of Interest system, Entrepreneur Stream Expression of Interest, and the OINP e-Filing system.
#OINP, #Ontario, #paid_representatives, #RCICs