09 Aug Canada admitted 125,965 Permanent Residents during January-May 2019
Canada admitted 125,965 Permanent Residents during January-May 2019
According to the data by the Open Government, in the first five months of the year, Canada admitted 125,965 new Permanent Residents. 58,960 new PR settled in Ontario; the second most popular destination was British Columbia with 17,625 newcomers; the third is Alberta with 16,625 new PRs; 14,345 newcomers settled in Quebec. The rest provinces received less than 10,000 newcomers:
Ontario – 58,960
British Columbia – 17,625
Alberta – 16,625
Quebec – 14,345
Manitoba – 6,445
Saskatchewan – 5,315
Nova Scotia – 2,645
New Brunswick – 2,115
Prince Edward Island – 960
Newfoundland and Labrador – 685
Yukon – 130
Northwest Territories – 100
Nunavut – 10
Among the Canadian cities, the leaders remain to be the same: 45,190 newcomers settled in Toronto, 14,075 now reside in Vancouver, 12,275 have chosen Montreal, 7,500 settled in Calgary, 6,255 went to Edmonton, 5,185 – to Winnipeg, and 4,255 – to the national capital Ottawa (All values are rounded to the closest multiple of 5).
#IRCC, #PR, #Permanent_Residents, #demography, #newcomers
CDWCR Sponsors workshops on new laws affecting migrant care workers
Vancouver Committee for Domestic Workers and Caregivers Rights (CDWCR) is holding a series of workshops on recently passed programs for caregivers and domestic workers. On June 15, the federal government launched the Home Child Care Provider and Home Support Worker programs to replace the Caring for Children and Caring for People with High Medical Needs pilot programs. The new programs raised many questions for caregivers. Caregiving work will be a permanent need in Canada’s economy because medical advances have resulted in longer life spans and the ageing population is putting a strain on social services. This creates financial difficulties for low-income families, according to caregivers. The Vancouver CDWCR has decided to hold a series of workshops on the recently passed programs for caregivers and domestic workers. Other topics to be covered by the workshops include Human Rights in BC as applied to domestic workers and caregivers, Work Safe BC and the BC Employment Standards Act.
#British_Columbia, #Caregivers, #CDWCR
The Canadian economy has improved with the coming of international students
With the increase in the number of international students in universities and colleges, the Canadian economy has improved a lot. In a context of higher tuition fees for international students in comparison to domestic students, the economic effects of foreign students have seen a hike of 20% in Manitoba and 29% in the entire country. International students as the source of funds for universities and international student issues are great concerns for the student unions. According to a student union, the undergraduate tuition fee for international students is approximately 3.4 times the fee for domestic students, while the fee is almost double for international students in graduate programs.
#International_students, #Manitoba