26 Sep BC issued invitations to apply to 65 Tech Pilot candidates
BC issued invitations to apply to 65 Tech Pilot candidates
On September 24, 2019, British Columbia held a new draw in the British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BC PNP) Tech Pilot. In this round, the provincial immigration authorities invited 65 candidates in four categories: Skills Immigration – Skilled Worker, Skills Immigration – International Graduate, Express Entry British Columbia – Skilled Worker, and Express Entry British Columbia – International Graduate. The lowest score in all four categories traditionally was 90 points. In total, British Columbia invited 1,086 Tech Pilot candidates in 2019. So far, British Columbia issued 6,467 invitations under all streams of BCPNP.
#British_Columbia, #BCPNP, #Tech_Pilot, #PNP
Almost half of the international students work during their study
Statistics Canada noticed that under half, or 49%, of international students work during school, compared to 86% of students who are Canadian citizens (74% for PR students). In other words, international students spend more time in education and are therefore more likely to graduate within five years. Students who are permanent residents or citizens usually take longer to graduate. However, between 2010 and 2016, only 36% of international students found jobs upon graduation, compared to 65% and 79% for permanent residents and citizens, respectively. The average earnings for international students do not fall much behind those of permanent residents and citizens.
#International_students, #study_in_Canada, #study_permit
British Columbia added three communities to the Entrepreneur Regional Pilot
On September 23, 2019, the provincial government announced that Akisqnuk First Nation, Peachland, and Parksville communities have been added in the list of eligible communities in the Entrepreneur Immigration – Regional Pilot. Akisqnuk First Nation, a growing community of nearly 300 members, is looking for specialists in the following fields: Professional, scientific and technical services, Accommodation services, and Ambulatory health care services. Peachland, whose population is 5,655, is looking for Beverage and tobacco product manufacturing, Professional, scientific and technical services, and Accommodation services specialists. Parksville, inhabited by 12,500 people, is interested in Wood product manufacturing, Professional, scientific and technical services, and Miscellaneous manufacturing. The total number of rural communities admitted to the program has reached 60. These communities are seeking prospective businesses in 30 different economic sectors. The full profiles of the communities are available on the BCPNP website.
#British_Columbia, #BCPNP, #PNP, #Rural_immigration #Entrepreneurs, #Business_immigration
New Canadians earning 10% less than Canadian-born
The growing wage gap between immigrants and Canadian-born workers has hit a new high, with new Canadians earning 10% less on average. This is costing the country $50 billion each year, according to an RBC Economics study. The problem stems from a failure to adequately recognize credentials and work experience abroad. Only 38% of university-educated immigrants aged 25 to 54 work at a job that fits their education level, compared with more than half of their Canadian-born counterparts.
#employment, #newcomers