07 Jul Canada released new instructions for electronic applications for temporary residence
Canada released new instructions for electronic applications for temporary residence
On July 6, 2020, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) released a new program delivery update regarding applications for temporary residence. New instructions state that the status extensions such as Temporary Resident Visas, Study Permits, and Work Permits must be submitted online. IRCC has also clarified the exemptions for e-applications. In addition, authorized paid representatives are also required to submit those applications electronically.
#IRCC, #TRV, #study_permits, #work_permits
Thunder Bay held a new round of recommendations in the RNIP
On July 6, 2020, Thunder Bay, ON, issued new community recommendations in the Rural and Northern Immigration Pilot (RNIP). The city approved applications of 9 candidates – one candidate in the NOC A skills level, six candidates in the NOC B skills level, and two candidates in the NOC C skills level. Candidates who received a community recommendation can submit their applications for permanent residence in Canada to Immigration Canada (IRCC). Thunder Bay can still recommend 9 NOC A candidates, 26 NOC B candidates, 34 NOC C candidates, and 10 NOC D candidates. In total, the community already recommended 21 candidates since the launch of the program and still has 79 spots available.
#Thunder_Bay, #RNIP, #Ontario, #community_recommendation, #rural_immigration
International travellers keep coming to Canada
According to the recent figures by the Canada Border Service Agency (CBSA), international travellers keep coming to Canada in great numbers. In the second half of June, the number of foreigners coming to Canada by air has reached 30,000 weekly, while in April this figure was only 15,000 per week. In total, since May 25, 2020, 135,000 travellers arrived in Canada and 66,000 of them were foreign nationals. As for the land travellers, on average 170,000 people entered Canada every week compared to 115,000 in two previous months. In response to the increased traffic, Health Canada is placing its employees to screen arrivals for not being infected with the COVID-19.
#travel_restrictions, #CBSA, #Health_Canada, #COVID_19